Jun 26, 2015

Journal No.1
"Escorting, not the newborn"
[Old Russia, earth]
Part 1

Today, I got a mission. Still escorting, but not the newborns, i wonder why? I receive a letter from the postmaster back in the tower, sent by an unknown guardian, high leveled guardian, approved by the vanguards. Now I realize something serious is happening, since the guardian who sent this message is 1 level higher than me, Level 33. So I pack my gears and went to the coordinates written on the message with a cargo ship, since its a short trip.

I arrived at the coordinates, The pilot said I'm good to go, so i jumped from the cargo door and landed on thin snow of Russia. I saw nothing except white, cold snow till the horizon. So I went a destroyed facility and try to established contact with this mysterious guardian. My ghost, I called him Prox, can't found any signals around, just some fallen signal which is very usual in Russia. We walked down the hall, to a big hangar, with no roof to get a better signal. Still no luck, then we climbed up a watch tower, still no luck. So we went back to the hangar and take a rest for a bit.

But, I felt a heavy atmosphere, Very different from the one when we arrived there, "I have a bad feeling about this" Said Prox while searching for the signal. "Dammit! I hope you're ready for this!" Prox disappear. I grabbed my Hand cannon, moving towards the hangar main door. Suddenly a swarm of Thralls Appears from the roof, jumped down and running towards me, Its so many, my hand cannon can't handle them, so i run outside, then i heard hive boomer sound, and a wizard sound, Its an ambush.

I ran to a narrow alley, and try to shoot the thralls, but the hive boomer forced me to keep running, I can feel the thralls is near, my armor is too heavy, i can't run faster. I threw a grenade to a sign, it bounced to the thralls, finally there's a few room to aim and kill them! so I started firing my gun, taking down the Knights and the wizard. But then a tomb ship comes in and dropped more Hives, Its easy to face them since i'm in a narrow alley. But this alley leads to a dead end, The hives just kept coming, Soon they'll get me. Sometimes i Forced to use my fists to fight the thralls, My Hand cannon can't reload faster and some knights with sword is charging.

I'm not even met the guardian yet, and i'm probably staring at my death now, and surprisingly, Someone showed up, at the roof of one of the building, carrying a rocket launcher, killing some of the hives, but few still alive. then She threw what looks like a bomb. "Plant this at the wall next to you!" She keeps shooting at the Hives. And I plant the charges, moved away and detonate it. And i went in to rendezvous with the guardians. At the roof, there's a lot of equipment, like a camp. Then she appears, A female hunter, exo. "You're the backup? Nobel-59?" She asked me while opening her helm. Then, she seems to looked at the Moby Dick emblem on my right shoulder armor.

"Oh yes you are, sorry". "We can't established contact with you, whats going on?" I asked her. "You see those things? They'll Track your signal." She pointed at the hives. After that we walked to a new location on a forest, near a river. "The letter, you just asking for backup, whats the mission?" I asked. "Oh yes, sorry. So, There is 3 guardians, recruits, level 7, gone AWOL and disobeyed direct order..." "From who?" I interrupt her. "Me" She said while sharpen her knive. "I told them to stay near Cosmodrome and stay there until they're ready to go." So, she's a fireteam leader? And why all of the member are recruits guardians? I asked myself. And where about the rest 2 members?

---Continued at part 2---

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